An Overview and Methods of Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement is a treatment option for patients with arthritis and other joint conditions whose symptoms can no longer be managed non-surgically. As people age, their bone density weakens, and many people in their 60s and up develop a condition known as arthritis. Arthritis can make the hip joint painful to use, resulting in a lack of mobility and a decreased range of motion. Surgery can reduce or alleviate painful symptoms and restore someone’s hip.

Information. Hip replacement surgery is typically only performed once all non-surgical options have been explored. Most patients who undergo hip replacement suffer from conditions like osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. The procedure can be minimally invasive or traditional; the primary difference between the two types of hip replacement is the size of the incision. A minimally invasive approach is favored by many surgeons as it reduces the recovery time and helps someone get back on their feet sooner. Traditional hip replacement surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Alternatively, a patient may need to stay awake during the procedure and receive spinal anesthesia that numbs them from the waist-down instead.