Detached Retina Causes, Symptoms and More Info

A detached retina relates to the eye and is a serious health concern. It requires immediate medical care. It occurs when the tissue lining the back of the eye, the retina, detaches from the tissue surrounding it. Signs to watch for include seeing flashes of light, reduced vision and the sudden appearance of floaters. It is important to seek medical care quickly, as a detached retina can lead to vision loss.

Information. There are three main types of retinal detachments. Of the three, the rhegmatogenous detachment is the most common. This type happens slowly over time. It occurs when fluid found in the middle of the eye (vitreous gel) begins to leak under the retina. This usually happens following the formation of a hole, tear or break in the retina. It causes the retina to break away from the tissue beneath it. This causes a loss of blood supply and the retina can no longer work properly. Tractional detachments occur due to scar tissue forming on the retina. This type is generally seen in those with poorly controlled diabetes or other health concerns. Exudative detachments can occur if fluid accumulates under the retina. This can be due to macular degeneration, injuries to the eye, tumors and inflammatory conditions.