Signs and Symptoms, Risk Factors, Causes and Treatment of Bursitis

Treatments. Most often bursitis treatment consists of conservative methods, such as taking pain relievers, ice, and rest. However, if these methods do not work, other treatments may apply. Here is a list of other possible treatments. In some cases, medication might be prescribed. If there is an infection in your bursa causing the inflammation, your physician might prescribe antibiotics. In some cases, the use of a cane or another implement will help alleviate pressure on the affected region. Your doctor might inject you with a medication directly into the bursa to alleviate inflammation in your hip or shoulder. Usually, this treatment is needed only once and provides fast pain relief. In very rare cases the bursa will need to be drained surgically. In other cases, your doctor might suggest exercise or physical therapy to strengthen your muscles in the affected region to relieve pain and stop recurrence.