Staph Infection (MRSA) Prevention and Treatment

Prevention. The spread of MRSA is very possible, so it’s important to avoid spreading it to others, or allowing other to spread it to yourself. Washing hands regularly and properly will take care of many issues. Ensure that hands are always scrubbed for 15 seconds and dry properly with a towel. Having another towel to contact the faucet and turn it off will ensure that there’s no cross contamination afterwards. Hand sanitizer can help to keep hands clean there’s no sinks conveniently available. Other than that, ensure that wounds and sores are covered. This ensures that fluids from the body can’t get out to contaminate others, and that contaminated areas can’t contact the wounds. Also, try to avoid sharing personal and hygiene products. Razors, towels, sheets and athletic equipment should all just be used by you and you alone.