The Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention of a Perianal Abscess

Symptoms. The first symptom of a perianal abscess is pain when sitting or using the bathroom. Since the anal area is difficult to see, many people often mistake this pain for hemorrhoids, which also cause swelling and discomfort. It is often only when the abscess breaks free that a person can tell that something more serious is going on. That is because perianal abscesses produce a large volume of pus that drains constantly. Of course, the amount of pus that is present depends on how large the abscess is and whether or not a person has good hygiene to help reduce the amount of bacteria that is present. As the condition worsens, a fever may develop too because the body will be attempting to fight off the infection with heat. If someone has a sexually transmitted disease that is causing the perianal abscess, there will be other symptoms that go along with the condition, such as painful urination, itching, and a rash that covers some of the genital region.