The Symptoms, Causes, Prevention and Outlook of Rhabdomyolysis

Causes. In every case, rhabdomyolysis is caused by damaged muscles. This damage may be caused chemically, genetically or physically. Anything that injures the muscles can result in this condition. There are several possible causes. For instance, overdoing the exercise, such as overly aggressive weight lifting workout sessions, highly intense cross-training, and excessive workout videos. This is particularly true if the person is fairly inactive and suddenly completes an intense workout that is an hour or more. Other physical injuries that might result in rhabdomyolysis include muscle damage from a blast injury such as a bombing, earthquake or getting struck by lightning. If an individual falls, such as from intoxication, drug overdose or a stroke, and does not move for several hours, the weight of his or her body may crush the muscles and cause rhabdomyolysis.