The Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors and Treatment of Jaundice in Adults

Whenever red blood cells in the body die, they release a chemical called bilirubin, which has a yellowish-orange tint to it. Usually, the liver quickly filters the bilirubin out of the body along with any other chemicals or impurities that are in the blood. But if there are any problems with the way that the liver functions, it isn’t able to perform this task as efficiently as it normally would. So the bilirubin will begin to build up in the body and cause a condition called jaundice. Jaundice itself is not a disease, but a symptom of other more serious underlying health problems that have to be treated right away. That is why those who have a high risk of developing the condition should know about the symptoms of jaundice, what causes it to occur, and how it can be treated.

Information. Babies sometimes develop jaundice when they are born prematurely because their liver is not yet large enough to be able to filter out the bilirubin in their body. Usually, their condition improves on its own in about two weeks. Adults have a fully formed liver though. So if they start to show the signs of jaundice, it is often because their liver is damaged somehow.