Area of Injury: Other

There is nothing like a strained muscle or tendon to remind you that every part of your body is connected. When you have a serious injury, it is amazing (although painful) to recognize how a small twitch of a finger can require muscles all through your body. To help you get back to twitching without pain, we have assembled information on a number of conditions. Reading these articles should help you determine the nature of your injury, and give you some advice about potential treatments, and ways to get you back to full productivity. Remember, these are supplementary resources to be used in consultation with a doctor. We have lots of great ideas, but without the guidance of a professional, even the best ideas will not be as effective as the right treatment. By applying a little caution, you can be back to normal faster than you expect!

An Overview and Treatment of Misophonia

Also called selective sound sensitivity syndrome, misophonia is a strong dislike or hatred of certain sounds. This disorder causes a person to have intense emotional or physiological responses to specific noises, or “triggers.” Triggers can consist of anything from car…

The Symptoms, Treatment and Outlook of Cardiomyopathy

The heart muscle (myocardium) is vital to our life and health because it pumps blood to every part of our bodies every minute of our lives. Keeping the heart muscle in optimal condition can be done with proper diet, exercise,…

5 Yeast Infection Natural Remedies

It’s normal for yeast to live in your body. However, yeast can become a problem if it starts to multiply too much. An overgrowth of yeast is commonly known as a yeast infection. This condition can cause pain, burning and…

The Common Symptoms and Treatment of Spider Bites

Spiders play a specific role in the ecosystem, but they’re not all dangerous to humans. If a spider bites a person, it can be painful and uncomfortable. Fortunately, it’s not always a health risk. Unless the spider is venomous, there’s…

The Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment of Toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasma gondii is a common type of single-celled parasite. Whenever a person becomes infected with it, the condition is called toxoplasmosis. It varies from other types of parasitic infections because of the way that it can be passed from a…

The 6 Most Common Skin Rash Types

A rash is a condition that changes the appearance of the skin. Rashes can have a variety of causes, including diseases, allergies or even emotional states. They can itch or not itch, hurt or be painless, be flat or raised,…